Sunday, September 12, 2010

Da bigga dey are...

Went a walkin' through da Dragonblight, found one a t'ose goblins havin' a tiff wit' a big Ice Giant.  Dey was lookin' like a pissed off married couple, mon!  I had ta stop by to see what it was about, ya know... Dey was having a meetin', but bot' wanted t'ese big worms killed, so I took up da job. 

It was no worries footin' it into da ice caves, an' killin' t'ese big t'ings, mon.  Dey wanted me to kill t'em for dey own reasons, I din't bot'er to question it, ya know?  T'en t'ey wantin' me to kill da Momma, and dat was a task even fo' da likes o' me, mon.  I jumped an' ran an' used every t'ing in da book... after me ape got clobbered, I had to turn 'possum an' act like I done give up. I try again after a few an' he nearly bonks me out again, mon.  But, dis time I send her to da dirt pile, only to have her chillen's come an' knock me right out, ya know...

I get back up to go back n skin da beastie, I notice a bottle in me bags sayin 'tis an elixer to make me tough agains' da worms poison.  I learned me lesson today,  mon.  First, always kill da chillens before tacklin' da momma, and second to always read da labels on me drinks...

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